CD / DVD Spindle Search 1.2

CD / DVD Spindle Search 1.2

Free Now you can simply issue a search request as you would for a regular file
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Software Informer Virus Free award

Spindle Search is a plugin for Google Desktop Search. Google introduced the Desktop Search tool because a lot of users complained about locating files on their hard-disks. GDS runs in the background, quietly scanning your files. Then, whenever you wish to locate a particular file, it uses this index to search and find your files quickly. Well, no more. Spindle Search lets you catalog your disks and then sends the information to Google's search tool. Now you can simply issue a search request as you would for a regular file, and your archived files will show up as well. When you click on the result, Spindle Search will tell you exactly which disk your file is on, as well as details about where it is kept (you need to provide this information when you add the disk to your catalog.)



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